Halloween and 20 secrets you probably didn't know

Halloween is one of the most popular holidays in the United States. Every year, people spend billions of dollars on Halloween decorations, costumes, and candy. In fact, Halloween has become the second most commercial holiday in the country, behind only Christmas. Despite its popularity, there are still many people who don’t know much about the holiday and its origins. Here are 20 things you probably didn’t know about Halloween: 1. The holiday originated with the Celtic festival of Samhain, which was a celebration of the end of the harvest season. 2. The name “Halloween” comes from the Scottish word “All Hallows’ Eve,” which is the night before All Saints’ Day. 3. Traditionally, people believed that on Halloween, ghosts and witches came out to haunt the living. This is why people would dress up in costumes to scare them off. 4. Jack-o’-lanterns were originally carved from turnips, not pumpkins. 5. Black cats were once believed to be able to turn into witches. 6. The first Hallowe...